Dr. Pastor P J DePass

I was five years old when I started on my own to attend Sunday school at the Church of God in Christ. I always had an urge to find out for myself who is Jesus Christ, I believed in the word of God, but I didn’t know him. When I was a child I will ask my dad questions about where God is, who is Jesus Christ, and why are we sent here to this world. I have always had an urge to read the Bible and ask my elders, ministers, and pastors’ questions and they found it very strange that a little girl will ask such things. When I was in the third grade I had a teacher looked me in the eye and told me I want you to pray for your mother she said to me your prayers are being heard by God.

I did not understand but I always attended the same Church until I became a young adult and we moved away. When anything took place it was a strange thing that adults will always ask me to pray for them. In 2003, I asked the Lord in prayer if witchcraft really existed, and I started digging deeper into the scriptures of the Bible.

I was told that witchcraft could not affect you if you don’t believe in or practice the occult. There was an incident with a strange woman, instantly she hated me, I realized later that she was a voodoo priestess, and that she was angry at me because none of her spells worked against me. From that point I started to believe that there is a satanic kingdom at work, and that we live in two realms the carnal and the spiritual realm. My battle started and continued to this present time in seven years have learned day by day, week by week, month by month to conquer the enemy.

I did not accomplish any victories on my own, but by the Power of our merciful and graceful Father and the power of the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be the glory and praise for ever and ever. I live closer to Abba Father, and Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I am aware of my spiritual eyes are open I can recognized the devil through the gift of discernment, my spiritual ears can distinguish from the voice of stranger which is the devil from the voice of the Shepherd which is Jesus Christ, my spiritual nose is able to smell the stench of death, and foul demons, and He gave me a spiritual tongue anointed with His word with a sharp two edges sword to fight the archenemies of our souls.

Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? Isa.49:24
My question to you my fellow Christian do you believe and have the faith in God to walk in what He has ordained and called you to accomplished before you leave this world? Many Christians are in bondage, time is running out, I don’t care how bad you have sinned God will forgive you if you truly repent. The kingdom of God is at hand the captive need to be set free.   Abba Father has given all of His servants the gifts of the Holy Spirit to overcome this wicked world.
The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. Deut. 29:29

The synagogue of Satan has infiltrated the Christian churches in America and all around the world, there is no sound doctrine of truth, however God has ordained from the foundation of the earth seven thousand saints that need to be spiritual trained and be spiritually armed with invisible weapons of destruction to fight and rage spiritual battles to deliver families, communities, nations, schools, jobs, business, hospitals, and churches. Breaking every yoke, strongholds, chains, shackles, evil ropes, cages, and bottles, and releasing the captive from captivity by putting the satanic kingdom and the enemy to open shame and disgrace!
I defeat you Satan in the name of Jesus, I defeat you Satan in the name of Jesus, I defeat you Satan in the name of Jesus Christ!